Kasekuchen Kruzin'

Friday, August 12, 2005

Monday, June 27, 2005: Pender Harbor to Grace Harbor (Desolation Sound)

The cruise from Pender Harbor to Grace Harbor was a long one -- about five hours. It was a little rough but when we reached Desolation Sound the scenery changed to this incredibly stunning series of high mountains winding thru beautiful rock islands. It is like driving thru the Rockies on water. We anchored in this gorgeous bay and immediately put out crab pots with our dinghy.

As a side note: our dinghy sits on top of our boat on the "flying bridge." To get it down we use our crane. There is a learning curve to all this and Bob is very good with it. I, on the other hand need practice. Our kayaks are stored under the dinghy. We had a stainless steel cradle made which stores both.

We all came to our boat for a potluck. Before we started eating, John and Bob started fishing and pulling in one after another fish from the cockpit. Bob used his custom-made cleaning table on our stern to clean and fillet the fish for dinner another night.

Our guests left about 10 p.m. and the bay was like glass. I can’t describe the beauty here.


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