We tied up to the long dock at
Winter Harbour. Winter Harbour was once a commercial fishing outpost with a large cannery. We rafted up at the large public dock and went hiking to discover the town. It is a cute little town with a very nice high school and a large fishing lodge with room for fishing boats and several RV’s with trailers for fishing boats. We saw several boats come in with salmon catches so this area attracts fisherpeople. We all had our picture taken in
Coal Harbour in front of whale bones that were reminiscent of whaling days in the 30’s and 40’s.

Had a nice potluck dinner as a farewell for John (from Yachting Magazine) who was leaving the next day on a float plane. John had been staying on "Further" with the Calverts, who are vegetarians, so he loved our potluck (the photo of the potluck was taken by Neil Rabinowitz and also accompany's John's article). Bob and I invited him over for a final breakfast aboard “Kasekuchen” the next morning. Bob made him crab benedict which insured him the name of “SIC” (Selene Iron Chef). The
article was to appear in September or October Yachting—but ended up in October
Motor Boating Magazine.
Note from the blogmaster: Click HERE to see the online version of "Going Outside: Six new Selene trawlers test the waters of Vancouver Island’s rugged western coast." The article, by John Woolridge, says this about Bob and Cheryl: "They are great cooks and bakers."
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